Pranusanguni - San Basilio (Cagliari) Italy


L'Early Science Program produce i pri...

13/apr/2016 08:04 ASTRONOMY

Su The Astronomers Telegram il primo risultato scientifico prodotto dall'Early Science Program del Sardinia Radio Telescope.

Nasce l'Unità Scientifica per la radi...

05/apr/2016 20:04 ASTRONOMY

Nasce l'Unità Scientifica per la radioastronomia sotto la guida dell'astronomo australiano Steven Tingay

Earl Science Program: first SRT call ...

04/dec/2015 11:12 ASTRONOMY

SRT starts the observational program

Nichi D'Amico is the new President of...

17/oct/2015 08:10 ASTRONOMY

The Minister of MIUR, Dr. Stefania Giannini, appointed the new INAF President: Nichi D'Amico will lead INAF for the next year

Valutazione MIUR:apprezzamento per le...

08/jun/2015 08:06 ASTRONOMY

In fase di chiusura la valutazione finale da parte del MIUR: un grande apprezzamento per le iniziative di sviluppo intraprese dalla Regione Sardegna e dall'Ateneo.

Announcement to the Scientific Community

30/apr/2015 15:04 ASTRONOMY

The Sardinia Radio Telescope operations are temporarily halted due to the protest of the Cagliari Observatory staff

The first summer school in radio astr...

10/sep/2014 17:09 ASTRONOMY

On September 6, the first summer school in radio astronomy held at OAC and SRT concluded. It was held with the enthusiasm of both students and organizers and proved to be successful.

Summer School in Radio Astronomy

30/aug/2014 18:08 ASTRONOMY

"The cosmic radio - Discovering the invisible universe": a summer school for high school students at SRT and OAC


11/jul/2014 16:07 ASTRONOMY

The Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) joined the European VLBI Network (EVN), by participating in shared risk mode to a first set of scientific observations in bands L and K, during the last EVN run (Ma

The SRT was successful in the Europea...

05/mar/2014 18:03 ASTRONOMY

The SRT was successful in its first attempt of interferometric observation with the European EVN network.

The Astrophysical validation begins!

02/oct/2013 08:10 ASTRONOMY

After the completion of the first phase of the technical commisioning, the AV is started

The first important SRT observation

08/may/2013 02:05 ASTRONOMY

The observation of the magnetar PSR J1745-2900, a neutron star with a huge magnetic field located near the centre of the Milky Way, is the first important observation performed by the SRT.