Visite guidate a SRT: inverno-primav...
Online il nuovo calendario di date per le visite a SRT
Il nostro collega Matteo Murgia, ospite domenica scorsa della trasmissione "Colazione con..." di Radio Rai Sardegna, parla della vita da astronomo e del Sardinia Radio Telescope.
Dopo l'interruzione legata ai preparativi per la cerimonia d'inaugurazione del 30 settembre, riprendono le visite guidate a SRT per i periodi autunnale e invernale.
After the completion of the first phase of the technical commisioning, the AV is started
The Director of the project talks about the double challenge faced with the SRT.
The inaugural ceremony of the Sardinia Radio Telescope will take place on September 30th! It will be a great event for both astronomers and public.
The observation of the magnetar PSR J1745-2900, a neutron star with a huge magnetic field located near the centre of the Milky Way, is the first important observation performed by the SRT.